THANK YOU, Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club, for filling the Zoom Room tonight for my "Working the Amateur Radio FM Voice Satellites" presentation! The region has been hit by COVID, but they currently have EIGHTEEN soon-to-be hams mid-way through one of their licensing classes! They have been supporting the ARRL for more than 50 years as a Special Service Club. AMSAT member Brad, W6VO, reminded me that when I last spoke to them about 9 years ago, I stopped in mid-sentence during the show, looked at my watch, and announced: "Let's go outside and work a satellite!" And we did - SO-50 went right over the Sheriff's Station! Thanks for the invitation ... maybe in nine years we'll meet again and work a geosynchronous bird over the Americas! http://www.cvarc.org/ https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cvarc.org%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2QoI8nIcehr4FdI28_c9x1l_IdmfK66mSA6HklyPTe_xoz5tof8519ins&h=AT0Byew0vSQ-Pt3TkUvrwhGvNAvN9shyk26AgOhJAEcih29JCQ1jzBGlQXjwZHp3sb2vRaM8PSZK-SAssevCT8dQZcQgfbaRf4pIe3kT_hazsO-CQdmEl7hYI44dj_vRTkOixvL2yi1snXE2Guo7Ttw&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT1wkCEXusiTwkGpoal55vgb0Zbl-_R7oYSVTZpcRO2iT1EN6DzAkZAl5WSstgy35fD-L1qvAKBdqY8-l23Rr6F8H746Ko9NfD4-bk2MmXoS2uwmFKNSdprQ3alwGmZBcvgb https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10228398873736073&set=a.2216915661557&__cft__[0]=AZWsyRxHQB7ZizedgpDByggcy5W05P2Wbu6KR2ywB3npgB99qHpDd9Epx7LLrq0U6LMCu3-JsjJX-CfHY-QtX9l3I7gb7ABz2zDR9kkIpEcONA&__tn__=EH-R Like Comment Share
participants (1)
Clint Bradford