Initially, I was concerned that they would be class-C amps but do show saturation level so perhaps they are biased for linear. Input requirement is +13 dBm (20mw) which should not be a problem with many transverters.
I just installed a mmic amp to drive a S-AV36. MAV11 is +15 dBm (31mw) for 5mw drive. Still testing so will know soon if 31mw is adequate drive for full output. Most of the RF modules perform better than spec indicates (take less drive).
At $480 I can see I am charging too little for the 2M80 amp ($369). RFBay Inc. appears to be addressing the commercial market vs ham radio.
If one is adverse to building their own this might be a solution. 20w is certainly adequate for satellite work if decent antennas are used. My DEMI L432-28 outputs 25w but that will be reduced by time it reaches the antenna. On 2m my KX3-2M outputs 2.5w which will drive a 25w linear or a 60w class-C amp (for FM).
I think I would follow up building the W6PQL boards, if I had the skill, tools, and determination.
73, Ed - KL7UW
--------------- From: Juan Jose Sanchez Denis [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Ettus B210 Message-ID: 1453759810.7928.2.camel@jj-laptop Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
What do you think about these amps?
The HPA-155 and HPA 480
73 de Juan EB2FVT
73, Ed - KL7UW http://www.kl7uw.com "Kits made by KL7UW" Dubus Mag business: [email protected]
participants (1)
Edward R Cole