After 3 years and many dollars, I finally hear the FM satellites well. For the last year or so I used a mosfet preamp and a 7 element homebrew yagi canted up 15 degrees on a cheap tv rotator. Worked most of the time. This summer I had the dual band rig worked on. Its now very sensitive on UHF.
George, wb2vun recommended the Advanced receiver research Gallium Arsenide preamp so I bought the switchable model to avoid burning it out with accidental transmissions.
Now I have fantastic reception!
So, to all those who told me to get a preamp, I'll say, you were right! but I'll also say, dont promise pie in the sky in the future.
I learned many lessons.
I'm also active on ao-7 and vo-52. I'm slowly preparing for the HEO's. I purchased a UHF all mode mobile rig from a freind and a VHF allmode on e-bay. I have preamps for both and some yagis.
Looking forward to the success of P3E. I like the old proven design with the unity gain antenna arrays and the more sensitive receiver.
Thanks to all the amsats for all the satellites.
73, patrick, N2OEQ
participants (1)
Patrick McGrane