I forgot (or didn't know) about the downlink being BPSK/USB. At the moment I don't know how to do an uplink in one mode and the downlink in another.
I have an eggbeater, so tracking is not an issue. (I acknowledge that a rotor and a yagi would be better, but I'm working with what I got).
Anyway, on this pass I heard nothing, but I was listening in FM. I have heard the CW ID a few times in the past. Guess I was listening on USB those times.
Steve AI9IN
On 2015-07-30 12:17, Bob KD7YZ wrote:
On 30-Jul-15 1213, [email protected] wrote:
I'm going to try using the Text macro on UISS. If it works I'll let you know.
roger-roger. looks like I have a couple mins to set that text box up before the pass.
last night I set SatPC32 on auto and hadd all the Duchifat windows open. This is the second itme I decoded nothing. three nites ago though I got a long string of decodes at 1 or 2 AM.
The dang Doppler on downlonk is crucial to get centered since it's BPSK on USB. I find it hard to do with the CAT function on SatPC32.
what u using to track?
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