Jamboree on the Air this weekend.

This weekend, besides being the AMSAT Space Symposium, will also see the annual partnership of Amateur Radio and Scouting for the 58th Jamboree on the Air. JOTA is the largest single scouting event in the world and sees participation from affiliated scouting organizations in 165 countries. If you hear "CQ JOTA" on any satellite passes between the evening of Friday the 16th and the end of the day Sunday the 18th, make it a point to come back to them. They will have young people watching and hoping that you do.
I will be again running a large JOTA event at the National Scouting Museum in Irving, TX, EM12nt, and our site will again be using the call, K2BSA/5. My satellite opportunities this year will be limited to two SO-50 passes, 1656Z and 1835Z on 17 October. The first pass will be low angle with obstructions but the second will be high and slightly westerly.
Please listen for me, or any other JOTA stations for that matter, and do give us a call. It is fun to see the eyes of young Scouts light up when they realize they have been involved with this type of satellite communications. These kids are our future.
Tom Schuessler N5HYP
participants (1)
Tom Schuessler