DELFI-C3 rx report 2008-05-01

Today tracked 7 passes of delfic3 all with good signals. The transmitter on 145.930 is random on and off each pass but its always present. Tracking NORAD# 32787 matches AOS and LOS very well. Interesting was pass 4 and 5 with low elevation. Signals where good and I could decode some packets on pass 4. Received signals on pass 5 but decoded nothing because the tx switched on to late (just before LOS).
I noticed in RASCAL a correlation between the distortion on the downlink system and the OBC System bus voltage value. When the voltage showed 7~8 volts the distortion was present. It looks like the distortion intervals has also a correlation to the satellite spin cycle.
1. 1-5-08 07:55:22 08:05:45 2. 1-5-08 09:30:49 09:44:21 3. 1-5-08 11:07:24 11:19:16 4. 1-5-08 12:45:09 12:50:32 elevation < 2 5. 1-5-08 17:25:08 17:30:02 elevation < 1° 6. 1-5-08 18:56:13 19:07:54 7. 1-5-08 20:31:01 20:44:31
73 Rob PE1ITR
participants (1)
Rob Hardenberg PE1ITR