In this week's Amsat News there was a story on the AIS experiment on the ISS. What's it's downlink frequency and what form of modulation is used?

Dave, AIS is receive only, around 162 MHz.
73 Trevor M5AKA
On Sunday, 7 September 2014, 14:35, Dave Marthouse [email protected] wrote:
In this week's Amsat News there was a story on the AIS experiment on the ISS. What's it's downlink frequency and what form of modulation is used?

I think the downlink frequency of the AIS payload on the ISSĀ could be different from the terrestrial freq .
73 Nitin (vu3tyg)
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

The thought never even occurred to me that AIS might have it's own dedicated radio downlink, I assumed AIS like other ISS data would go via the broadband Internet connection. A dedicated downlink would require the creation and maintenance of a ground-station network.
The eoPortal has a wealth of information on the AIS experiment and mentions the ARISS involvement, see https://directory.eoportal.org/web/eoportal/satellite-missions/i/iss-colais
I could see no mention of a dedicated transmitter, the article says: "10 days of near-real-time data show that 80% of the messages collected in the period could be delivered through the station's communications network with data latency significantly less than 1 hour."
To me that implies it's going via the Internet link which I think may be KU-Band via Geostationary satellites ? http://www.universetoday.com/108215/compare-the-space-stations-internet-spee...
73 Trevor M5AKA
On Sunday, 7 September 2014, 16:10, Nitin Muttin [email protected] wrote:
IthinkthedownlinkfrequencyoftheAISpayloadontheISS couldbedifferentfromtheterrestrialfreq. 73 Nitin(vu3tyg) Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android From:"M5AKA" [email protected] Date:Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 20:30 Subject:Re: [amsat-bb] AIS On The ISS
Dave, AIS is receive only, around 162 MHz.
73 Trevor M5AKA
On Sunday, 7 September 2014, 14:35, Dave Marthouse [email protected] wrote:
In this week's Amsat News there was a story on the AIS experiment on the ISS. What's it's downlink frequency and what form of modulation is used?
participants (3)
Dave Marthouse
Nitin Muttin