ARISS News Release No. 22-25

ARISS News Release No.22-25
Dave Jordan, AA4KN
ARISSContact is Scheduled with Students at
Bellefontaine High School, Bellefontaine, Ohio,USA
April19, 2022—Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) has receivedschedule confirmation for an ARISS radio contact between astronauts aboard theInternational Space Station (ISS) and U.S. students at the Bellefontaine HighSchool in Bellefontaine, OH. ARISSconducts 60-80 of these special amateur radio contacts each year betweenstudents around the globe and crew members with ham radio licenses aboard theISS.
Bellefontaine High School (BHS), is a rural, public high school(about 900 students, ages 13-18years) about 50 miles northwest of Columbus,Ohio, in Logan County. BHS’s STEM curriculum supports the school’s various academicextracurriculars and clubs which include Envirothon, TEAMS (Tests ofEngineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science), Robotics and their newlyformed Bellefontaine High School Amateur Radio Club, call sign W8BCS. Members of the local amateur radio club (W8BCS), theChampaign Logan Amateur Radio Club (CLARC), are providing technological aid andpromoting amateur radio to the students as a co-sponsor for radio licenseclasses and license testing. During the school year student activities haveused the ARRL curriculum resources, which allow teachers to introducespace-related technology to the classroom. Students also participated in their ‘DesignChallenges’ – a program that allows students the opportunity to design various “contraptions”to achieve a task under certain constraints (as would occur in aerospaceengineering) to further their understanding of space technology.
This will be a direct contact via Amateur Radio allowing students to ask their questions ofAstronaut Kayla Barron, amateur radio call sign KI5LAL. Local Covid-19protocols are adhered to as applicable for each ARISS contact. The downlinkfrequency for this contact is 145.800 MHZ and may be heard by listeners thatare within the ISS-footprint that also encompasses the relay ground station.
The amateur radio ground station for this contactis in Bellefontaine, OH. Amateur radio operators will use call sign W8BCS toestablish and maintain the ISS connection.
TheARISS radio contact is scheduled for April 21, 2022 at 1:13 pm EDT (Bellefontaine,OH) (17:13UTC, 12:13 pm CDT, 11:13 am MDT, 10:13 am PDT).
Thepublic is invited to watch the live stream at:
Astime allows, students will ask these questions:
1.How long does it take to get used to gravity after being in space?
2.Can you throw objects, like a football, on the ISS?
3.How close are you to the moon, sun, or earth right now?
4.How do you train to keep healthy in space?
5.What is the weirdest thing you have ever encountered in space?
6.How long can you stay in space?
7.What is the protocol if depressurization occurs on the ISS?
8.Who inspired you to go to space?
9.What happens if someone breaks a bone or gets injured in another way on theISS?
10.Aside from a clock, how do you know if it is day or night in space?
11.Do you have a tracking device in case an asteroid hits the ISS or anotherplanet?
12.What does the earth look like from the ISS?
13.How does space affect our motor skills?
14.What are some of the side effects of spending long durations in space?
15.What is your favorite part of being in space?
16.What resources do you have available on the ISS if something breaks?
17.What is the hardest thing about going to space?
18.How long and how hard did you have to train in order to be able to go to space?
About ARISS:
Amateur Radio on the InternationalSpace Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societiesand the space agencies that support the International Space Station (ISS). Inthe United States, sponsors are the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation(AMSAT), the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the ISS National Lab-SpaceStation Explorers, Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) and NASA’s Spacecommunications and Navigation program. The primary goal of ARISS is to promoteexploration of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematicstopics. ARISS does this by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radiobetween crew members aboard the ISS and students. Before and during these radiocontacts, students, educators, parents, and communities take part in hands-onlearning activities tied to space, space technologies, and amateur radio. Formore information, see
DaveJordan, AA4KN
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David Jordan