PACIFICON October 14-16

Any AMSAT members (or satellite enthusiasts) attending PACIFICON October 14-16 in Santa Clara this month???
YOU can help AMSAT!
I have a table in the main hallway reserved JUST FOR US! How 'bout manning the table for an hour or two Saturday?
TENTATIVE satellite passes for the show ...
FRIDAY 10/14/11 4:31PM PDT - AO-51
SATURDAY 10/15/11 2:43 PM PDT - AO-27 3:52 PM PDT - AO-51 7:51 PM PDT - ARISSat-1 10:16 PM PDT - SO-50
... so I'll be outside working those at those times. And giving my presentation at 11AM and 1PM Saturday.
SO ... Bring your rig and show it off at the Sat Comms table! Bring some QSL cards, too ... or biz cards from your own club ... If it is satellite-related, bring it and get it in front of a few hundred fellow hams!
Call me at 909-241-7666 (or my Skypename is clintbradford). Or send email to [email protected] if you are able to help out!
Clint Bradford, K6LCS
participants (1)
Clint Bradford