KG5CCI Up North / K0D in the Dakotas

Fellow Avian Linguists,
I've got some vacation I need to burn in 2017, and the better half needs some time without a 2 year old running around to finish her school work, so I'm heading to EN21 with kiddo in tow. I'll go north on Nov 5th, and try and activate at least a few grids in the state of Missouri (since that's a needed WAS entity) and once in EN21 I'll likely rove around the local area (Iowa and Nebraska) and hit up EN20/11/10 while there. Watch my twitter @KG5CCI for alerts.
Then on November 9th, 10th, and 11th I'm meeting up with Wyatt ACORA, and we're going to go blasting thru the frozen plains of South and North Dakota hoping activating numerous grids on Satellites and 6m MSK144. The plan looks generally like this:
Unfortunately the only way to make a trip like this work, is with a tight schedule, and we both have to get back to our real lives after only a few days off. This means we will likely only do 1 or maybe 2 passes from each grid. Emphasis will be on grid lines when possible, and high, US wide footprints when available. If you're needing of any of these grids, on either Satellites or 6m, watch my Twitter for alerts.
73, Dave, KG5CCI
participants (1)
David Swanson