FO-29 over Colombia El 90º at 8:13 UTC
Continuous carrier heard affected by Doppler on 435.800 MHz USB S3 on TS2000(x)
No CW, No transponder response

Hello all,
Nothing heard here today between 12:15-12:30 Z (#52818 last ascending orbit "in range" for me over E.Europe, with max. Elevation 75 deg.).
I have monitored during the last 8 days about 20 passes, but FO-29 seems to be "completely dead" after 20th of April '07.
It would be very interesting if we had an official brief-bulletin from JARL about the present status of Satellite and any possible future plan.
Have a nice weekend
73, Mak SV1BSX
--- ALVARO GAVIRIA algaviri@orbitel.net.co wrote:
FO-29 over Colombia El 90º at 8:13 UTC
Continuous carrier heard affected by Doppler on 435.800 MHz USB S3 on TS2000(x)
No CW, No transponder response
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For a few weeks I have been out of the sat loop.. I had a friend come over today and I was demoing Ham radio briefly.. and say that fo-29 was in view.. I tuned the radio and put it into CW mode.. and did hear my DL for abt 15 seconds, 20 at the most.. and then POOF.. gone. I told my friend that this might be the Sat that's been having issues.
Aprox details of the pass.. AZ-230 deg ish, ele 20 deg... TX Power was 40 watts CW ( sending dashes ) and the downlink was typical of fo-29 and quite clear with a decent signal.
Had he not been here.. I would have been able to more accurately note the conditions. Dead bird.. not yet.. mabey , Hopefully just a bad case of the sniffles.
-Steve Raas N2JDQ FN20vg

Just keep in mind, today IO-26 has about the same FOOTPRINT with FO-29.
The usual TRAP (again)!
So, if you monitoring around 435.795, the strong-carrier is not from FO-29 but IO-26's beacon.
73, Mak SV1BSX
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participants (3)
Steve Raas