Amsat Symposium call for papers!!!
This is the second call for papers for the 2012 AMSAT Annual Meeting and Space Symposium to be held in Orlando, Florida on the weekend of October 26-28, 2012. Proposals for papers, symposium presentations and poster presentations are invited on any topic of interest to the amateur satellite community. We request a tentative title of your presentation as soon as possible, with final copy to be submitted by October 1 for inclusion in the printed proceedings. Abstracts and papers should be sent to Dan Schultz, N8FGV, at [email protected]
We still have prime slots available on the speaker's schedule. The Amsat symposium depends on YOU to make it happen, without speakers there is no symposium. Please consider doing a presentation, even if you have never done so in the past. We are especially interested in papers and presentations involving our educational partnerships with K-12 and university level classrooms. Education is quickly becoming critical for our future rides to space.
Dan Schultz N8FGV
participants (1)
Daniel Schultz