Dear Folks:
At 2:02 UTC today (the 27th), I was fortunate enough to work TX5S on IO-117. I was able to decode a number of their digipeats to the satellite, and I am grateful that they were able to decode one of mine (I got the always appreciated "Logged 73" message from them).
15 minutes later, they sent a text to "ALL" saying "Last Pass" and worked a few more people before the bird hit LOS for me. It was like they were waving good bye (they are taking down their stuff tomorrow).
They were a great operation on the HF bands, but it's the first time I've worked a major DXpedition on satellite. What a thrill!
I so hope that we, as a community, can find the means to prevent the decommissioning of IO-117 as announced the other day. I appreciate AMSAT-NA reaching out and offering to do whatever is necessary to keep it going.
73 de Bernie, KF0QS
participants (1)
Bernie and Cheryl