Norton Sales Inc. in North Hollywood CA (Rocket Parts trip)

I thought some of you on the BB would get a kick out of this. My brother, a few friends from work, and I took a trip today out to Norton Sales Inc. in North Hollywood, CA. We kept hearing about the rocket engines and parts along with other aerospace stuff that you can buy there. While a good amount of it is truly "junk" and is in no shape to actually fly, there are a decent number of transducers and pipes that could be put to good use. The movie industry is their main customer for the props. Movies such as the avengers and Iron Man have used some of the parts.
Sorry for the poor quality images, I used my camera phone. I ended up buying the Nike-I Missile UDMH can (unused/unopened which was particularly important) for $10 and is a neat part of history. Enjoy!
Bryce Salmi KB1LQC
participants (1)
Bryce Salmi