During the last pass, which began locally around 0135 UTC, I could barely hear my signal. It was well down in the background noise. The maximum elevation was about 35 degrees and, for most of the time, there were no obstructions which would block the downlink.
I was using 5 W into a dual-band Arrow yagi.
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL

LilacSat-2's repeater was off during last pass. Only telemetry on both downinks. A shame, as it was a nice western pass.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK
On Friday, October 9, 2015, B J [email protected] wrote:
During the last pass, which began locally around 0135 UTC, I could barely hear my signal. It was well down in the background noise. The maximum elevation was about 35 degrees and, for most of the time, there were no obstructions which would block the downlink.
I was using 5 W into a dual-band Arrow yagi.
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL _______________________________________________
participants (2)