This gentleman wrote me a couple weeks ago, thanking me for my meager "How to Work Sats..." tutorial he found on the 'Net.
Fellow AMSATers, I have created a monster. Here's his latest email message...
Hey Clint,
I crunched some numbers here just now based on the seven contacts I made yesterday running 50 milliwatts out (!) :
I worked all three birds with crossband FM mode (AO-27, AO-51 and SO-50)
During those seven contacts, my signal travelled an average of 620.7 miles to get to the satellites.
My longest trip was to SO-50 in a contact with KD8ILL - my .05-watt signal travelled 830.5 miles to the bird.
Finally ... on a 25-degree-angle pass of AO-51 an hour ago as I type this, N7JK in Phoenix became my 100th contact on the birds - in less than 13 full days.
Yeah ... I'm soooo hooked!
[Name deleted to protect the innocent]
YES - I got him to join AMSAT-NA. And he is anxiously awaiting Martha's initial mailing.
But what am I to do? I mean, all this exhibited unbridled enthusiasm and energy...
And so it goes...Ain't this a magnificent hobby?
Clint Bradford, K6LCS / KAF3359 909-241-7666
participants (1)
Clint Bradford