Press Release - Ozsatgroup and Amsat Australia

The Ozsatgroup and Amsat Australia to move to a week night national satellite net.
With the aim of improving participation and accessibility, the Australian National Satellite net has been moved from the 2nd Sunday to the 2nd Tuesday of each month. This long running net allows amateur radio operators who are operating or have an interest in working in the satellite mode, to make contact with others in order to share their experiences and to catch up on pertinent news. The net is also a means of making 'skeds' and for a general 'off-bird' chat.
The week night net will be held at 8.30pm eastern / 9.30z or 10.30zdepending on daylight savings.
For the first time, in addition to our Echolink conference, the net will also be available via RF on the following repeaters and links…
In New South Wales
VK2RMP Maddens Plains repeater on 146.850MHz VK2RIS Saddleback repeater on 146.975MHz VK2RBT Mt Boyne Repeater on 146.675MHz
In Victoria
VK3JED Laverton, Melbourne on 144.296MHz SSB simplex VK3JED Laverton, Melbourne on 439.175MHz FM simplex with a 91.5 Hz CTCSS tone
In addition to RF, operators may join the net via Echolink by connecting to either the Amsat-NA or VK3JED conferences. The net is also available via IRLP reflector number 9509.
The Ozsatgroup and Amsat-VK are also keen to have the net carried by other echolink or IRLP enabled repeaters and links in order to improve RF coverage. If you are interested in carrying our net on your system, please contact Paul via email at [email protected]
The new week night net commences on the 11th of March 2008.
Listeners are also reminded of our HF net which is held on the 2nd Sunday of each month. See or for details. ''''Amsat-VK site to be updated''''
Amateur satellite operations is one of the most interesting and rewarding modes in our hobby. The birds are relatively easy to access and require very little hardware investment to get started. You can gain access to the FM 'repeaters in the sky' with just a dual band handheld operating on 2m and 70cm. These easy-to-use and popular FM satellites will give hams national communications and handheld access into New Zealand at various times through the day and night. Ozsatgroup members can be found operating on most passes on all satellites and will be happy to assist newcomers in any way they can.
Finally, the Ozsatgroup and Amsat Australia wish to thank the Illawarra Amateur Radio Society for carrying our net on the Coastlink repeater network and Tony - VK3JED for the use of his linking system.
73's from
The Ozsatgroup and Amsat Australia
participants (1)
Paul Paradigm