Responding to my own query, because I always post too soon, you can cut and paste the JARL URL's into the Babelfish link below and it will do a full web page translation.
Bottom line they are still investigating, collecting information and but want feed back on any signal heard. However, I hesitate to give the email address for the feedback as it may not have been translated correctly.
From: Alan Thoren [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: April 29, 2007 10:04 PM To: '[email protected]' Subject: JARL Translator needed for FO-29 status
Hi to the group. Rather than speculate on the status of FO-29, perhaps someone with some Japanese/English ability could monitor the Japanese pages of the JARL site,
as the English pages are not in sync with the Japanese.
Specifically this page that may be FO-29 related as it has a FO-29 graphic and is dated 23 Apr 07
I have not been successful installing the Japanese language pack into IE7. Even then, I don't know if a cut and paste into Babelfish http://babelfish.altavista.com/ would give us anything understandable.
73, Alan VE4YZ AMSAT 35968 http://www.mts.net/~ve4wsc/ http://www.mts.net/~ve4wsc/ AMSAT A-485
participants (1)
Alan Thoren