Yaesu GS-232B Rotor Interface to computer RS-232C Port Help!

Hello list members, I have a new Yaesu GS-232B I'm having connection issues and could use some help. My system is a Dell XPS running Windows 7 Pro. Terminal emulator is PuTTY.exeThis computer uses a real RS-232C port set to the only choice of COM1. No COM2 port, parallel or printer ports are used with this machine. Port settings are 9600 baud, 8 bit, no parity, hardware control set to none. I'm sure my computer, RS-232C port and strait RS-232C cables are good because I have no trouble connecting to another device. (Juniper CTP-1002 router)I tried all combinations of hardware control options, port speeds and always get a blank screen with only a cursor when connected to the Yaesu GS-232B.
Anybody have any suggestions what I might be overlooking? Thank You, N8OCX Brook Smith
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