OT: 21.115 MHz DominoEX-22 Balloon Heading for USA

The 21.115 MHz DominoEX-22 Seba-6/Orient Express balloon launched from Poland on Saturday is on course for US Territory.
Real time tracking of the balloon at http://spacenear.us/tracker/
Seba-6/Orient Express http://www.southgatearc.org/news/december2013/ham_radio_balloon_seba_6.htm
Beginners Guide to Tracking using dl-fldigi http://ukhas.org.uk/guides:tracking_guide
Check theĀ #highaltitude IRC channel for chat about the launches http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=highaltitude
For information on balloon launches subscribe to the UKHAS Mailing List by sending a blank email to this address: [email protected]
---- 73 Trevor M5AKA AMSAT-UK website http://amsat-uk.org/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/AMSAT-UK/208113275898396 Twitter https://twitter.com/AMSAT_UK ----
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