Re: Landwehr 2m Preamp Help/Info & Manual Request

At 01:29 PM 10/7/07 -0400, [email protected] wrote:
I recently obtained a Landwehr 2m preamp which I plan to use for AO-7 operation. The preamp did not come with any significant documentation besides what is printed on the cover (and thats a bit faded).
The preamp appears to be functional, except that it has a tendency to switch back and forth between RX and TX by itself (when no RF is present and the PTT is not connected). This has made the preamp unusable. Does anyone have experience with this preamp and/or know how this issue can be resolved?
I am looking for any suggestions as well as any documentation (manual/schematic) for this preamp that you might have. Your help is appreciated.
Thanks & 73,
Doug, KD8CAO
I have both the two meter and 70cm Landwehr preamps and the documentation for them. The only problem I've ever had is with the two meter preamp. I get desense on mode J whenever it's in line. So I leave it on the self in the shack. I really don't need it until we get another P3 bird or something else that has a weak two meter downlink.
If you don't get a copy of the docs I'll scan and email it to you. Just email me and let me know.
participants (1)
Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL