Dutch Amateur Radio Satellite User Meeting September 28th 2013

Dutch Amateur Radio Satellite User Meeting September 28th 2013
On September 28th, 2013 there will be an amateur radio meeting (in Dutch: "Interessedag Amateursatellieten") held for everyone who is interested in amateur radio satellites. It will be held in Paasloo, in the Northern part of The Netherlands. We are very pleased to join this day with the annual VHF day held by the Dutch amateur radio society VERON.
There will be a series of presentations concerning amateur radio satellites. Amongst others, the following topics will be included: a portable radio setup, the support radio amateurs provide give to the scientific community, beginners sessions, and last but not least, the latest news about two new satellites to be launched soon: the FUNcube-1 and the Delfi-N3xT satellites (by their project representatives)! Besides these presentations, it is of course a great opportunity to meet other amateurs who are interested in satellites, and make plans for future meetings!
While the main language will be Dutch (including the presentations), non-Dutch guests are of course welcome to join as well. If you need assistance with signing up, do not hesitate to ask either PA1IVO or PA3GUO (both callsign AT amsat.org) for help.
The latest information about this event can be found on this webpage: http://ivok.home.xs4all.nl/other/SatDay2013.html (Dutch language with a summary in English)
Ivo Klinkert, PA1IVO and Henk Hamoen, PA3GUO Dutch Amateur Radio Satellite User Meeting 2013
participants (1)