Here are packets recieved from ANDE-1 from EN62. All times are UTC.
23-Dec-07 12:47:19 WA4AEJ>APRS,ANDE-1*:=3031.90N/08626.94WrDale in Niceville, FL 23-Dec-07 12:47:28 KC9XG-14>APRS,ANDE-1*:=4134.300NS08803.300W& D700, omni ant 23-Dec-07 12:47:37 N8IGJ>EN62,ANDE-1*,SGATE:
23-Dec-07 12:47:38 ANDE-1>BEACON:T#005,134,046,049,046,213,11100001,000
23-Dec-07 12:47:43 ANDE-1>APRS3,SGATE::BLN3ANDE :Aliases are RELAY, WIDE,APRSAT,ARISS & WIDEnN 23-Dec-07 14:18:38 N8FQ>T2UY6W,ANDE-1*:`r_Il y/
23-Dec-07 14:19:38 ANDE-1>BEACON:T#006,002,010,009,004,003,01000000,000
23-Dec-07 14:20:42 VE4NSA>CQ,ANDE-1*:>Have a Merry Christmas and a great 2008, Stefan 23-Dec-07 15:49:43 N8FQ>T2UY6W,ANDE-1*:`r_Il y/ 23-Dec-07 17:23:13 AB9FT-15>T3TS9T,AB9FT-11,ANDE-1*:'sH/l [/> 23-Dec-07 17:23:26 VE4NSA>CQ,ANDE-1*::AB9FT-15 :>Having fun?
23-Dec-07 17:23:33 ANDE-1>BEACON:>Satellite 145.825mhz US Naval Academy
23-Dec-07 17:23:38 VE4NSA>CQ,ANDE-1*::VE2DWE :>Having fun? 23-Dec-07 17:23:48 ANDE-1>APRS1,SGATE::BLN1ANDE :ANDE-1 only wakes up 1 of evry 15s for users. Pse conserve.
23-Dec-07 17:24:16 ANDE-1>BEACON:T#008,140,136,121,138,133,10101011,000
23-Dec-07 20:27:05 WA4AEJ>APRS,ANDE-1*:=3031.90N/08626.94WrDale in Niceville, FL 23-Dec-07 20:27:22 AJ5C-3>SVQU7X,ANDE-1*:'y`gl -/]>Bob in EM36KG 23-Dec-07 20:27:24 N0AN-6>APRS,ANDE-1*:=4205.00N/09400.00WS73' Via Sat {UISS50}
23-Dec-07 20:27:30 ANDE-1>BEACON:T#006,138,144,138,134,135,10101111,000
If I did my math correctly, Ande was still at a comfortable room temp during the last pass:
Temp Batt = 26.0 C Temp Sol -X = 27.9 C Temp Sol -Y = 26.0 C Temp Sol-Z = 24.7 C Temp Retro = 25.0 C
73 & Merry Chirstmas, Armando, N8IGJ
participants (1)