CQ-VHF Magazine has elected to allow a free preview of the current issue (Spring 2013) highlighting an article by Hector, CO6CBF on operating satellites using a homebrew setup from Cuba. You can view the entire article at:
Congratulations to Hector, who is an inspiration to all of us. And if you're not a CQ-VHF subscriber, you really should be. It's a great magazine, and very supportive of satellite operators.

Unfortunately, that PDF is not the complete article from CQ VHF. I don't have that issue with me at the office, but there is at least one more page (and maybe two more pages) to the article missing from the PDF. But it gives you some idea of what Hector went through to assemble a working station for the satellites.
You can see more about what Hector has done to get on the satellites in the YouTube video of his presentation at last year's AMSAT Symposium in Orlando:
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/
CQ-VHF Magazine has elected to allow a free preview of the current issue
(Spring 2013) highlighting an article by Hector, CO6CBF on operating satellites using a homebrew setup from Cuba. You can view the entire article at:
http://www.cq-vhf.com/vhf_**highlights/2013_vhf/2013_** spring_vhf/2013_spring_vhf_**working_satellites.pdfhttp://www.cq-vhf.com/vhf_highlights/2013_vhf/2013_spring_vhf/2013_spring_vhf_working_satellites.pdf
Congratulations to Hector, who is an inspiration to all of us. And if you're not a CQ-VHF subscriber, you really should be. It's a great magazine, and very supportive of satellite operators.
Les Rayburn, N1LF 121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114 EM63nf
6M VUCC #1712 AMSAT #38965 Grid Bandits #222 Southeastern VHF Society Central States VHF Society Life Member Six Club #2484
Active on 6 Meters thru 1296, 10GHz & Light
______________________________**_________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/**listinfo/amsat-bbhttp://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Thank you Les
Hamsat is a big passion!
73! Hector, CO6CBF
__________________________ De: [email protected] [[email protected]] En nombre de Les Rayburn [[email protected]] Enviado el: martes, 16 de julio de 2013 02:40 a.m. Para: AMSAT Mailing List Asunto: [amsat-bb] CQ-VHF Spring Edition CO6CBF Article
CQ-VHF Magazine has elected to allow a free preview of the current issue (Spring 2013) highlighting an article by Hector, CO6CBF on operating satellites using a homebrew setup from Cuba. You can view the entire article at:
Congratulations to Hector, who is an inspiration to all of us. And if you're not a CQ-VHF subscriber, you really should be. It's a great magazine, and very supportive of satellite operators.
-- -- 73,
Les Rayburn, N1LF 121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114 EM63nf
6M VUCC #1712 AMSAT #38965 Grid Bandits #222 Southeastern VHF Society Central States VHF Society Life Member Six Club #2484
Active on 6 Meters thru 1296, 10GHz & Light
_______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
--- Consulte la Enciclopedia Colaborativa Cubana http://www.ecured.cu/
participants (3)
Hector Luis HLMS. Martinez Sis
Les Rayburn