Oct 20-22 AMSAT at Pacificon.org in San Ramon, CA?

Greetings, though we realize this conflicts with your https://www.amsat.org Dallas, TX event Oct 20-21, we are looking for someone to host a nonprofit booth or possibly do an AMSAT presentation during the annual ARRL Pacific Division Convention. https://www.pacificon.org We have extensive activities taking place all weekend as detailed on our website including operating W1AW/6 with an antenna tower, licensing, forums, vendors, etc. AMSAT has attended in the past.
PACIFICON℠ 2023 October 20-22, 2023
San Ramon Marriott 2600 Bishop Drive San Ramon, CA 94583
Is someone in the area willing to participate?
This would mean a lot to me since my grandfather, Stanley Benson (K6CBK), was on the founding board of directors of the 1961 OSCAR-I project, a predecessor project to AMSAT, launched from California lasting 22 days in orbit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSCAR_1
73, Grant K6CBK
participants (1)
Grant Bowman