In a message dated 26/12/2010 07:05:57 GMT Standard Time, [email protected] writes:
Hi Dear. I have visited that website, now in my installation every thing is ok, antennas track the sateliites and ICOM set to satellites ferequencies but there is no signal, could you please help me what is the problem. Thanks for your help and attention.
1) check you have a good connection between the antenna and the receiver. Do this by listening to a weak local signal. This will check 'silly' errors e.g. Not having the RF gain control turned to the correct position.
2) When you have the weak local signal coming through, turn the antennas so you can check they are OK. You can see from the S meter that the antenna has the correct 3dB beamwidth for the expected gain.
3) With the system checked out on local signals, select a satellite with a strong beacon signal. My personal suggestion is HO-68. It has a 200mW CW beacon that is very easy to hear and it is on 24/7. Check for the the next suitable pass, perhaps one with an elevation that exceeds 30 degrees. Then check your computer is giving correct the correct tracking information by going to N2YO.com. If your PC and N2YO agree, then you are ready for a pass.
4) Set up the radio 15 minutes in advance of you aquisition of signal. Point the antennas towards the horizon where you expect the satellite to appear. Set the radio to CW (wide) and set to 435.790 (beacon frequency) then add about 9kHz for doppler.
5) Wait and see if the satellite appears as expected. If the satellite 'fails to appear' and your antenna starts to track across the sky, switch the tracking off. There is no point tracking something that is not there. Look for errors, perhaps move the frequency +/- 5kHz....but if you have done all the above, I suspect you will be listening to the reassuring beeps from HO-68. You can then check tracking and doppler compensation if you have it.
David G0MRF
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