Re: [amsat-bb] AMSAT-BB Digest, Vol 10, Issue 96

W4CX wrote:
It appears to me that either SatPC32 does not handle Daylight Savings Time correctly or I missed a setting somewhere. My passes show to be an hour late, when compared with HamRadioDeluxe. If I disable DST on my Win7 OS, the tracks are in agreement. I'm running V12.8c. What am I missing?
W9AE replies:
The most likely explanation is that you changed the UTC Offset (in the SatPC32 Observer Setup menu) from "auto" to your local time zone.
You probably set the UTC Offset to UTC-5, which makes the time one hour off during Daylight Savings Time. If you manually set the UTC Offset, you will need to set it to UTC-4 during daylight savings and UTC-5 during standard time.
It's best to use the default UTC Offset of "auto". Then SatPC32 obtains the UTC Offset from the Windows operating system, which automatically adjusts when Daylight Savings comes and goes.
Go into the Observer Setup menu and enter "auto" (without quotes) for the Offset. For this to work correctly, your time zone must be correct in the Windows Date and Time control panel.
I know the "auto" UTC Offset feature well because I requested it many years ago after having the same problem you reported.
Wayne Estes W9AE Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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Wayne Estes