I know this is not actually Amateur Related, But thought this would be a place to learn.
Does anyone know of a Live tracking web site of this falling Chinese booster?
So we can possibly watch it's re-entry?

If you know the NOAA id, then it would be easy to track it.
On Fri 7 May, 2021, 6:27 PM Joe, [email protected] wrote:
I know this is not actually Amateur Related, But thought this would be a place to learn.
Does anyone know of a Live tracking web site of this falling Chinese booster?
So we can possibly watch it's re-entry?
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CZ-5B R/B 1 48275U 21035B 21127.35968879 .03146783 77539-5 34920-3 0 9994 2 48275 41.4660 169.9008 0070505 234.0645 125.4973 16.27719023 1306
is the object in question. TLE are notoriously poor near re-entry however as they have an extremely simplified model of drag. The actual behavior of the object depends on its aerodynamics, orientation and construction as well as the state of the upper atmosphere from hour to hour. In general there are no publicly available sensors to monitor LEO objects continuously, so "watching it's re-entry" will not be live. Various military organizations around the world have infrared sensors looking down on the earth for missile launches. While they will likely observe the re-entry live, we likely won't see those data until declassification decades from now, if ever.
As we get closer to the event, we might get a better idea of exactly when and where it will re-enter. If it is near populated areas we someone might set up cameras along the predicted final track, but getting all that set up on short notice for live streaming seems challenging. More likely we will dashcam and/or security cam video after the fact. Personally I am hoping if falls unseen over the ocean where no-one is nearby to risk getting klonked on the head with it.
-Joe KM1P

Tianhe and the booster are naked eye visible and recently were visible close to each other according to an article on spaceweather.com. This article steers you to: https://heavens-above.com/

Does anyone know of a Live tracking web site of this falling Chinese
The booster and station were fairly close so tracking the station may provide a starting point. Of course, the booster's orbit is decaying and changing. Check out ...

Celestrak has CZ-58 R/B in its tle-new keps (using SatPc32) for 30-day old objects...however its 6days old.
also can go to: sPACE-TRACK.ORG
daily update for decay epoch.
73 Christy KB6LTY

Hi Joe,
Heavens-above is showing a tracking site for the Chinese booster. See: https://heavens-above.com/ Part way down the opening page you will see " Tianhe-1 NEW". You can set your "Observing Location" if you wish. Click on "Tianhe-1" and you will be taken to a "visible passes page". Click on "Orbit" and you can track it. The Keps seem to have been updated about 1 hour ago so it should be accurate.
73, Terry Osborne ZL2BAC
On 8/05/2021 12:56 am, Joe wrote:
I know this is not actually Amateur Related, But thought this would be a place to learn.
Does anyone know of a Live tracking web site of this falling Chinese booster?
So we can possibly watch it's re-entry?
Sent via AMSAT-BB(a)amsat.org. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Acceptable Use and Privacy Policies available at https://www.amsat.org/about-amsat/
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the object called Tianhe-1 is the space station.
the object CZ-5B R/B as reported is the booster rocket body and can be tracked by using the the 30-day old keps in Celestrack. KEPS updated this am.
loaded in SatPC32 as of 5/8/21 it is now separated from their space station and is at about 197km height.
CZ-5B R/B 1 48275U 21035B 21128.40022594 .05568855 79009-5 22983-3 0 9996 2 48275 41.4664 162.8816 0049524 242.6208 117.1713 16.36420321 1474
73 Christy KB6LTY

Got it nailed to a +/- 6-hour window now … Covering the Koi pond …
Clint K6LCS
PS Great to hear you on the ISS’ crossband repeater yesterday!!!

When I’m looking in Gossett watch under the last 30 days Celeste trak listing the only CZ booster there is catalogue number 40 8158 and it’s showing an apogee of 600 miles para G 400 and some miles which obviously isn’t the right one.
Sent from my iPhone
On May 8, 2021, at 10:56, christy hunter [email protected] wrote:
the object called Tianhe-1 is the space station.
the object CZ-5B R/B as reported is the booster rocket body and can be tracked by using the the 30-day old keps in Celestrack. KEPS updated this am.
loaded in SatPC32 as of 5/8/21 it is now separated from their space station and is at about 197km height.
CZ-5B R/B 1 48275U 21035B 21128.40022594 .05568855 79009-5 22983-3 0 9996 2 48275 41.4664 162.8816 0049524 242.6208 117.1713 16.36420321 1474
73 Christy KB6LTY
Sent via AMSAT-BB(a)amsat.org. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Acceptable Use and Privacy Policies available at https://www.amsat.org/about-amsat/
View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to amsat-bb-leave(a)amsat.org Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org
participants (8)
Ashhar Farhan
christy hunter
Clint Bradford
JoAnne K9JKM
Joseph B. Fitzgerald
Tom Schuessler
Wendy and Terry Osborne