Hi Bob!
Does KG7P have an email address? Worked him 2x today on SO-52, good signal into AZ, also heard Patrick, WD9EWK, strong signal. I
Thanks for the signal report! That was a 75-degree VO-52 pass out here in DM44ha, and at times my little FT-817ND receive radio was up to S-7 and S-8 as the satellite went by. I'm not making lots of SSB satellite QSOs, but I am making QSOs. Little by little, I am improving my skills in dealing with these satellites. Still fun!
I did not see an e-mail address for KG7P in a quick search. Not a problem here - Stan said he was going to QSL, and I will certainly send my card his way for another VO-52 QSO in my log.
can get into the sat, and can hear it, now working on coordingating tx and rx.
Are you going with computer control, or just manually doing that initially? Have you tried AO-7 and Delfi-C3 (DO-64), or just VO-52 so far? I don't remember if you have preamps in your setup - do you?
Good luck, and hope to work you on the SSB birds soon. You can see my portable SSB satellite setup in 2 weeks, at the upcoming ARRL Southwestern Division convention (12-14 September). I'll be on VO-52 as well as the FM birds doing demonstrations during the convention.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/
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