I noticed the new release of SATPC32 12.7 includes Intelsat spacecraft in one of the keplerian/satellite options. You can scroll through them and get an idea of the possibilities and range of footprints. Real life performance will be, as Bob suggests, dependent on our antenna pattern. Other services are usuable from the poles, such as Inmarsat, given enough gain and a clear horizon. MTI uses this as a selling point for their phone with the 4 ft dishes we S-band types are so fond of. So we might work fairly well out to the edge, again, dependent on the antenna.
73, Drew KO4MA
From: Robert McGwier rwmcgwier@gmail.com
We do not know the answer yet. Our request is for multiple payloads, covering with subsat over Atlantic, Pacific, and Central U.S. We would need one over the Indian Ocean to cover the 2 pi radians of the equator with antenna pattern. The north and south pole would be left out so I am sure the emperor penguins and polar bears would be upset!
Simon Brown wrote:
Where would this GEO be positioned? Even rough information would be interesting.
Simon Brown, HB9DRV
participants (1)
Andrew Glasbrenner