Hello AMSAT-BB member
HS4ØØOZ QRV on QO-100 October 1 - 31, 2021 CW 0700-1300 UTC SSB 1300-1800 UTC Op. HS6MYW (TIM) Op. HS8MOM (BENZ) Grid Locator : OK03iw QSL card detail : http://www.qrz.com/db/hs400oz
You may get a diploma by gathering contacts with the two Special Event Stations and also with all other stations in the two countries. Two-way contacts and SWL reports are valid for the special DENMARK & THAILAND diploma. All contacts with different radio amateurs in the two countries, on different bands and with different modes count 1 (one) point. Each contact with HS400OZ or OZ400HS, on different bands and with different modes counts 10 (ten) points. There must be minimum one (1) contact with both an HS and an OZ station as well as with OZ400HS or HS400OZ Special Event Stations. Example: Contact with HS400OZ at 20m CW (10) and with OZ1FJB at 20m SSB (1) and with HS1FVL at 20m CW (1) as well as with OZ400HS at 40m CW (10) gives you 22 points. DENMARK & THAILAND diploma: - BRONZE = 30 points - SILVER = 60 points - GOLD = 120 points - Special Prize for the Thai and the Danish station that gets the most points - Special Prize for the radio amateur outside HS and OZ with the highest number of points Send your request including a list of all your contacts to award our manager: [email protected] OZ400HS QSL cards can be ordered via Clublog OQRS and can be sent via bureau or directly. OZ400HS logs will be uploaded to Clublog, LoTW and eQSL. HS400OZ QSL cards via E21EIC and LoTW. QSL cards will automatically be sent to all via the Bureau. HS400OZ logs will be uploaded to Clublog and LoTW.
Vy 73 and GL The OZ & HS Team. Report by Tanan Rangseeprom HS1JAN
participants (1)
Tanan Rangseeprom