[amsat-bb] 2nd IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions abstract submission reminder

Dear all,this is a reminder of the deadline of the abstract submission for the 2nd IAA Conference on University Satellites Missions and Cubesat Workshop which will be held in Roma on February 3-9, 2013. Submissions are due by December 17th. We remember you that early registration closes on January, 15th. Those who register before this date will have a discount on the quote.The conference is organized by GAUSS Srl under the sponsorship of IAA, ESA, ASI, Italian Air Force, Sapienza University of Roma, Morehead State University (Kentucky), Von Karman Institute, FILAS, BCC Roma.Topics of the conference will focus in particular the area of University Satellites and during the conference three days are completely dedicated to Cubesat community.All the details about the conference program, accomodation and registration procedure, exhibition stands, call for papers, are available at the Conference website.For any special needs, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] scholarships for students who will present a work are available. For those interested, please follow the instructions on the website:ESA scholarshipsWe hope to see you in Roma in February!The 2nd IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and Cubesat Workshop organizing committee
participants (1)