I'm sure many will agree with Nate on this one. It SEEMS that using a TNC in this day and age is almost like firing up the old Model 20-something RTTY machine that the radio club that I used to belong to has. With a soundcard and some good software, we are able to emulate RTTY, and Packet, and SSTV for that matter. So...
A good TNC is what...$75...$100...$200?
Sound Card Emulation...umm...we all have them...plus free software...and MAYBE $45 for a digital interface.
From what I remember from the heyday of Packet in the 90's, it seems
as thought setting up AGWPE and a UI-type package is VASTLY easier.
BUt...if TNCs are your thing, go for it. Heck, I'm still trying to find an old Commodore VIC-20 with the OLD(!!!) MFJ Packet interface and software. Call it nostalgia.
participants (1)
John Marranca, Jr