*To celebrate 11 years of existence Grupo DXXE, Mexico’s top contest and DX radio club, will operate the special event callsign 4A1DX between March to June 14th 2016.*
*This will be an SAT. now only FM (**SO-50, AO-85 y Lilacsat-2)*
*The QSL manager is Dick N7RO. Don´t send your QSL cards to the Mexican bureau since we will not have QSLs to answer. Make sure you bureau QSL card is clear marked via N7RO.*
*We will be uploading the log to LoTW at the end of our operation (June 2016), and all the Log will be on CLUBLOG too.*
*QSOs with this station are good for the DXXE Award. You don’t need to physically send the QSL cards to obtain it.*
*Operators via SAT are:*
*Ismael XE1AYDavid XE3DX*
*DK79, **EK36, **EK08, **EK09.*
David Maciel XE3DX
*http://www.qsl.net/xe3dx/ http://www.qsl.net/xe3dx/*
*david.xe3dx@gmail.com david.xe3dx@gmail.com*
participants (1)
David Maciel (XE3DX)