FW: [PNWVHFS] Complete Amateur Satellite Radio Station

-------------- Forwarded Message: -------------- From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: [PNWVHFS] Complete Amateur Satellite Radio Station Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:48:10 +0000
Complete Amateur Satellite Radio Station Including 486 PC pre-installed with tracking software.
Every desktop item is a "10" and the antennas, rotators, cables and coax are in excellent condition.
This station is being offered as a complete package at this time. If by the next "Swap-toberfest" 2007 this station has not sold, it will be transported to the Rickreall Hamfair for sale. The seller will reserve the option to sell this package as a complete station, but when a reasonable time has passed on that morning, and there are no takers, this station will be parted-out.
The following items have been priced separately with the assistance of three ham's using retail and e-Bay (high/low) for comparisons.
Yaesu FT-736r (2m,440, 220, 6m) Yaesu MD-1 desk microphone Yaesu G-5400B Az-el rotator package w/controller Mirage A-1015g, 6 meter amplifier Mirage C-1020g, 220 MHz amplifier Mirage 2 meter pre-amp (mast-mount, pre-installed on coax) Mirage 440 MHz pre-amp (mast-mount, pre-installed on coax) 8-foot, aluminum, ridge-mount, "A" frame tower w/ turnbuckle guys and trust-bearing mounted azimuth Yaesu rotator. Elevation rotator has cross-boom pre-installed. Cushcraft 6 meter, 3 element, horiz-Yagi. Cushcraft 2m, A14B-20t X-Yagi. Cushcraft 440, 20 element, 14ft boom, X-Yagi. Cushcraft Ringo Ranger, 2 meter co-linear vertical Diamond X-510na Dual band vertical. Hy-Gain 14AVQ (10, 15, 20, 40) HF Vertical. 4 element 900 MHz band Yagi. Pansat BR-1000s with portable parabolic dish and canalized downverter. Again: All coax and cabling comes with this package. 486 PC, Panasonic printer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, tracking software (pre-installed), satellite tracking manuals, routing switch boxes, etc, etc. RS Pro-2006 Scanner, 400 channel (non-trunking). AOR AR-2500 mobile scanner. Icom IC-M2 Marine band HT. Various cordless phones, recorders, Motorola cell, flip-phone (early '90's). Misc. Handbooks and publications: ARRL Handbook ('92 hardbound) ARRL Antenna book (16th Ed.) ARRL Operating Man. (4th Ed.) "Radio/Tech Modifications" (Alinco, Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu, etc.). Lightning/EMP and Grounding Solutions. "The Satellite Experimenter's Handbook" (2nd ed., K2UBC). "Beyond Line of Sight" (QST compilation, W3EP). "Police Call" radio guide. "Betty Bearcat" frequency directory.
Complete station package price: $2,800.
This equipment is for local pick-up only in the Beaverton, OR area. Appointments will be made to see this station. Call: 503.710.2317 (Leave voice mail if no answer. There is NO e-mail).
This station is the property of an Amateur Extra Class license holder who had a 7.6 centimeter Hemangiopericytoma (large, cancerous brain tumor) removed from his left, frontal lobe. The sale of this station is an effort to help support his family during this time of recovery and no income. Although the prognosis is good this ham will be undergoing 6 weeks of radiation treatments, five days each week.
We wish to thank you for consideration
I have posted this for a friend and will help deliver locally with advance arrangement.
Tom Popp - KA0TP
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