Delfi-C3 / DO-64 status update January 29th 2009 10:00 UTC

Hi all,
please find a status update of the Delfi-C3 / DO-64 satellite below.
1. Following our earlier reports about the transponder issue, we sadly have had to conclude that the linear transponder is not operational anymore. Delfi-C3 / DO-64 has been in basic mode (a mode in which only housekeeping mode is transmitted) for a number of months in order to investigate this issue. Following our extensive tests, we have decided to switch the satellite back to science mode, which from a mission point of view is the most useful mode since it yields valuable science data about the Thin Film Solar Cell payload and the Autonomous Wireless Sun Sensor payload.
2. Today during the 09:33 UTC pass we have successfully commanded the satellite to science mode using the primary downlink at 145.870MHz, 1200Bd AX.25 BPSK and stored this mode in the on board data base. Subsequent database dumps indicated that the new settings have been stored successfully. This mode is recognized by the higher rate of telemetry frames on the downlink, 3 payload frames are transmitted followed by 1 housekeeping frame. Note that the satellite boots in this mode on 145.870MHz whenever she comes out of eclipse (no battery on board). It is possible, that the satellite decides to use the 145.930 MHz backup downlink. If you hear Delfi-C3 / DO-64 on this frequency, your reports are highly appreciated!
3. Contrary to basic mode, in which the downlink is on continuously, downlink drop outs are likely to occur in science mode. Therefore, it is possible that the satellite is not heard, and due to the orbit, the chances that the downlink is still on over VK / ZL are slim, sorry to all of you down under! However, if you hear the satellite, your reports are very much appreciated! We regularly post the satellite status on the Oscar status page at and encourage you to do so as well.
4. Telemetry can be received using the RASCAL program, which is available at At this moment, the total amount of frames has exceeded the 500000 mark, more precisely 504364 (which amounts to approx. 72.14 MB), a truly magnificent number. Thanks once again to all of you receiving and submitting telemetry! When in science mode, the IV curves of the Thin Film Solar Cell payload can be viewed by clicking "options" --> "show IV curves".
Best 73 on behalf of the Delfi-C3 / DO-64 team,
Wouter Jan Ubbels PE4WJ

Nothing heard on either downlink frequency.
73, Dave. IO80SM

Nothing heard on the first US pass today, and only a few minutes on the second pass. So as Wouter said, be are back to the "catch it if you can mode."

Sounding as good as ever.
73, Dave. IO80SM

Indeed it does. However, the cadence of the data burst is different, and there were significant periods of no transmissions. The new version of RASCAL which will track a wider range is a great help here.
participants (3)
Alan P. Biddle
Dave Aitch
Wouter Jan Ubbels