I was going to post awards at the end of June, then I received an application, then another, then another. I am finally hitting the brakes. Here are the latest award updates for the first half of the year, plus a bit.
AMSAT Satellite Communicators Award for making their first satellite QSO
John Wedge, VA6WEG Brandon Coon, KI5MJH Davy Jacobs, ON8ZJ Ryan Frederick, K7NZE Peter Spinelli, N4YOT John Hutchison, KI5NYZ Allen Beard, K4WSD David Johnston, WD6AOE
AMSAT Communications Achievement Award
Martin Schuette, N9EAT, #633 Stephen DeVience, N8URE, #634 Dave Lane, KB0RFY, #635 Allen Beard, K4WSD, #636 Wes Baden, NA1ME, #637 Thomas Talley, K0CFI, #638
AMSAT Sexagesimal Satellite Communications Achievement Award
Martin Schuette, N9EAT, #190 Stephen DeVience, N8URE, #191 Wes Baden, NA1ME, #192
AMSAT Century Award
Martin Schuette, N9EAT, #57 Wes Baden, NA1ME, #58
AMSAT South Africa Satellite Communications Achievement Award
Martin Schuette, N9EAT, #US236 Stephen DeVience, N8URE, #US237 Dave Lane, KB0RFY, #US238 Allen Beard, K4WSD, #US239 Wes Baden, NA1ME, #US240 Thomas Talley, K0CFI, #US241
AMSAT Robert W. Barbee Jr., W4AMI Award (1,000-4,000)
Ken Bodholt, KI7UXT #US104 upgraded to 4,000 Bernd Scholer, DL6IAN #US116 upgraded to 3,000 Michael Mark, VE4MM, #117 upgraded to 2,000 Stephen DeVience, N8URE, #US118 Larry Callahan, KF6JOQ, #US119
AMSAT Rover Award
Rover Call ===== ======== #57 ND9M/MM #58 LA9XGA #59 WI7P #60 KF6JOQ
GridMaster Award
GridMaster Call ========== ======== #27 W9TWJ #28 W5RKN #29 KI7UXT #30 K8YSE/7 #31 KB6LTY #32 KC9ELU
To see all the awards visit http://www.amsat.org and click on Services then Awards.
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