Rising Price of Flights to the ISS

New price for flights to the ISS will be $71 million per person from 2017.
Current price paid by NASA is $55.8 million per person and that is due to rise to $62.75 million next year, a year or so ago they were paying $51 million, see
73 Trevor M5AKA ----

On 5/2/13, M5AKA [email protected] wrote:
New price for flights to the ISS will be $71 million per person from 2017.
Current price paid by NASA is $55.8 million per person and that is due to rise to $62.75 million next year, a year or so ago they were paying $51 million, see
Virgin Galactic might raise its prices, too:
http://www.parabolicarc.com/2013/04/29/reserve-your-spaceshiptwo-seat-now-bi... http://www.newspacejournal.com/2013/05/01/is-virgin-galactic-raising-its-tic...
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
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