Fw: Response to my request of information about EduSat fromGAUSS team in Rome: Re: [CubeSat] Edusat operative or failure

Hi Giulio, AB2VY
Edusat is a "Non amateur satellite" ? ......OK ,but it has received an experimental license on 435.750 MHz for communicating at no cost into the "Satellite Amateur Frequencies" without coordination from IARU..OK ?
It is very strange that Edusat has received an experimental licence for communications into the Satellite Amateur Band without a frequency coordination from IARU
It is also very strange that the GAUSS group do not officially published the operating frequencies of Edusat stating that those frequencies published via internet are wrong frequencies.
It seems that there is no coordination between our Communication Autority in Roma and IARU as well between the GAUSS group the IARU and the Radio Amateur community.
In conclusion dear Giulio Edusat is a satellite not of our interest and please forget the above box for shoe.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gi. (Ab2vy)" [email protected] To: "Amsat-bb" [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 7:18 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] Response to my request of information about EduSat fromGAUSS team in Rome: Re: [CubeSat] Edusat operative or failure
Hi to all, this is what I have received from GAUSS team in Rome about my request of Info about Edusat, they talk about of "Non Amateur Radio satellite"...
73 de Giulio AB2VY
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
-----Original Message----- From: Group of Astrodynamics [email protected] Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 00:11:38 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: [CubeSat] Edusat operative or failure
Dear all,
this is the GAUSS group which is in charge of Edusat satellite.
We want to calm down Giulio: Edusat mission is carrying on flawlessly. We have communicated with it and he told us that the weather is a bit chilly but the panorama is great.
We have seen that many wrong informations are reported on the web. For example, all the radio frequencies are wrong. Edusat is not a radioamateur satellite and has an experimental license for communicating.
We didn't thought our satellite could be so interesting for the space community. Thank you for giving us so much attention.
2011/8/29 Gi. (Ab2vy) [email protected]
Hi to all the members, knowing that Edusat is not pretty a cubesat..,
looking for some informations or reports about the bird, because , monitoring the spectrum of UHF and S-Band from the launch to today , NO Signals was received from ground stations in US and EU (same thing for Nigeriasat) is there a problem on the mission? Thanks for any reports 73 de Giulio AB2VY
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device _______________________________________________ CubeSat mailing list [email protected] http://lists.cubesat.org/mailman/listinfo/cubesat Gruppo di Astrodinamica Università degli Studi Sapienza Via Salaria, 851 00138 Roma
website: www.gaussteam.com tel. 0039 06 88346436

Hi Domenico,
The Gauss website at http://www.gaussteam.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&i...
says regarding frequencies:
"The communication system uses frequencies in the 145MHz band to communicate from ground to satellite (uplink) and frequencies in the 435MHz band for communications from the satellite to earth (downlink). It also provides the S-band."
As I see it there are two issues.
(1) The failure to apply for IARU frequencies. Gauss of course are not alone in this, for example none of the Russian Federation's satellites have gone through IARU coordination. Clearly it is desirable that all Amateur Radio satellite groups go through coordination to minimize interference and enable us to make maximum use of our limited allocations.
(2) The use of 145 MHz for command uplink and 435 MHz for downlinks by satellites that are nothing to do with Amateur Radio and are using the Amateur Satellite Service spectrum for their own private use.
An earlier posting on this list indicated that the 435.750 MHz downlink (and presumably the 145 MHz uplink ?) would only be used when the satellite was in range of Italy.
A subsequent posting indicated that EDUSAT would also be commanded from the United States. I do not have a detailed knowledge of USA Amateur license regulations so I do not know if US Amateurs are permitted to control private non-Amateur spacecraft using Amateur Satellite Service frequencies.
73 Trevor M5AKA
--- On Wed, 31/8/11, i8cvs [email protected] wrote:
Edusat is a "Non amateur satellite" ? ......OK ,but it has received an experimental license on 435.750 MHz for communicating at no cost into the "Satellite Amateur Frequencies" without coordination from IARU..OK ?
It is very strange that Edusat has received an experimental licence for communications into the Satellite Amateur Band without a frequency coordination from IARU
It is also very strange that the GAUSS group do not officially published the operating frequencies of Edusat stating that those frequencies published via internet are wrong frequencies.
It seems that there is no coordination between our Communication Autority in Roma and IARU as well between the GAUSS group the IARU and the Radio Amateur community.
In conclusion dear Giulio Edusat is a satellite not of our interest and please forget the above box for shoe.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gi. (Ab2vy)" [email protected] To: "Amsat-bb" [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 7:18 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] Response to my request of
information about EduSat
fromGAUSS team in Rome: Re: [CubeSat] Edusat operative
or failure
Hi to all, this is what I have received from GAUSS
team in Rome about my
request of Info about Edusat, they talk about of "Non
Amateur Radio
73 de Giulio AB2VY
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
-----Original Message----- From: Group of Astrodynamics [email protected] Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 00:11:38 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: [CubeSat] Edusat operative or failure
Dear all,
this is the GAUSS group which is in charge of Edusat
We want to calm down Giulio: Edusat mission is
carrying on flawlessly. We
have communicated with it and he told us that the
weather is a bit chilly
but the panorama is great.
We have seen that many wrong informations are reported
on the web. For
example, all the radio frequencies are wrong. Edusat
is not a radioamateur
satellite and has an experimental license for
We didn't thought our satellite could be so
interesting for the space
community. Thank you for giving us so much attention.
2011/8/29 Gi. (Ab2vy) [email protected]
Hi to all the members, knowing that Edusat is not
pretty a cubesat.., I'm
looking for some informations or reports about
the bird, because ,
monitoring the spectrum of UHF and S-Band from
the launch to today , NO
Signals was received from ground stations
in US and EU (same thing for
Nigeriasat) is there a problem on the mission? Thanks for any reports 73 de Giulio AB2VY
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device _______________________________________________ CubeSat mailing list [email protected] http://lists.cubesat.org/mailman/listinfo/cubesat Gruppo di Astrodinamica Università degli Studi
Via Salaria, 851 00138 Roma
website: www.gaussteam.com tel. 0039 06 88346436
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Hi Trevor, M5AKA
Thank you for the information.I believe that without the contribution of the Amateur Radio Community all around the word in receiving and collecting TLM as well commanding the satellite the success of Edusat will be a operativeor failure.
Best 73" de
i8CVS Domenico
----- Original Message ----- From: "Trevor ." [email protected] To: "Amsat - BBs" [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 10:38 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Fw: Response to my request of information aboutEduSat fromGAUSS team in Rome: Re: [CubeSat] Edusat operativeor failure
Hi Domenico,
The Gauss website at http://www.gaussteam.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&i... sat-program&catid=29:unisat&Itemid=195
says regarding frequencies:
"The communication system uses frequencies in the 145MHz band to communicate from ground to satellite (uplink) and frequencies in the 435MHz band for communications from the satellite to earth (downlink). It also provides the S-band."
As I see it there are two issues.
(1) The failure to apply for IARU frequencies. Gauss of course are not alone in this, for example none of the Russian Federation's satellites have gone through IARU coordination. Clearly it is desirable that all Amateur Radio satellite groups go through coordination to minimize interference and enable us to make maximum use of our limited allocations.
(2) The use of 145 MHz for command uplink and 435 MHz for downlinks by satellites that are nothing to do with Amateur Radio and are using the Amateur Satellite Service spectrum for their own private use.
An earlier posting on this list indicated that the 435.750 MHz downlink (and presumably the 145 MHz uplink ?) would only be used when the satellite was in range of Italy.
A subsequent posting indicated that EDUSAT would also be commanded from the United States. I do not have a detailed knowledge of USA Amateur license regulations so I do not know if US Amateurs are permitted to control private non-Amateur spacecraft using Amateur Satellite Service frequencies.
73 Trevor M5AKA
--- On Wed, 31/8/11, i8cvs [email protected] wrote:
Edusat is a "Non amateur satellite" ? ......OK ,but it has received an experimental license on 435.750 MHz for communicating at no cost into the "Satellite Amateur Frequencies" without coordination from IARU..OK ?
It is very strange that Edusat has received an experimental licence for communications into the Satellite Amateur Band without a frequency coordination from IARU
It is also very strange that the GAUSS group do not officially published the operating frequencies of Edusat stating that those frequencies published via internet are wrong frequencies.
It seems that there is no coordination between our Communication Autority in Roma and IARU as well between the GAUSS group the IARU and the Radio Amateur community.
In conclusion dear Giulio Edusat is a satellite not of our interest and please forget the above box for shoe.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gi. (Ab2vy)" [email protected] To: "Amsat-bb" [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 7:18 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] Response to my request of
information about EduSat
fromGAUSS team in Rome: Re: [CubeSat] Edusat operative
or failure
Hi to all, this is what I have received from GAUSS
team in Rome about my
request of Info about Edusat, they talk about of "Non
Amateur Radio
73 de Giulio AB2VY
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
-----Original Message----- From: Group of Astrodynamics [email protected] Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 00:11:38 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: [CubeSat] Edusat operative or failure
Dear all,
this is the GAUSS group which is in charge of Edusat
We want to calm down Giulio: Edusat mission is
carrying on flawlessly. We
have communicated with it and he told us that the
weather is a bit chilly
but the panorama is great.
We have seen that many wrong informations are reported
on the web. For
example, all the radio frequencies are wrong. Edusat
is not a radioamateur
satellite and has an experimental license for
We didn't thought our satellite could be so
interesting for the space
community. Thank you for giving us so much attention.
2011/8/29 Gi. (Ab2vy) [email protected]
Hi to all the members, knowing that Edusat is not
pretty a cubesat.., I'm
looking for some informations or reports about
the bird, because ,
monitoring the spectrum of UHF and S-Band from
the launch to today , NO
Signals was received from ground stations
in US and EU (same thing for
Nigeriasat) is there a problem on the mission? Thanks for any reports 73 de Giulio AB2VY
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device _______________________________________________ CubeSat mailing list [email protected] http://lists.cubesat.org/mailman/listinfo/cubesat Gruppo di Astrodinamica Università degli Studi
Via Salaria, 851 00138 Roma
website: www.gaussteam.com tel. 0039 06 88346436
Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
_______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Hi Trevor, And thanks to Domenico, Sil, and the others who were concerned enough to post about"Edusat".
A little background: I hardly ever "use" the amateur sats nowadays, time is short and work is long! However whenever a new sat goes up I at least try to get the telemetry from it, usually with some sort of semi automated system, or by real tune and capture when I'm in the shack. OK, its probably not what most on the list would call "operation", but it keeps the grey cells ticking over.
Any way, the list came up with "edusat" being launched, in orbit, and transmitting. Great I thought, something new to track and decode.
Well as you would do, I tried to find the Keps. Ok got them, bit difficult but found them. Looked for the downlink freq's.......yeah right! Looked for the data format yeah right! Looked for the website.......still looking! posted to this forum, got a couple of replies from the "owner" that lead me to the FCC website where I discovered that "edusat" is in actuality a commercial enterprise that has some how got both 2 metre and 70 cm freq's allocated by someone....who and how? It is not an "amateur satellite service" satellite in the generally accepted sense, neither does it comply with the IARU definition of an amateur satellite service sat. So WHY is it being snake oiled as an "Amsat", using (in particular) 2 metre freqs ? I fully understand the need to protect a command system uplink freq, which is usually done with encryption of the commands rather than obfuscation of the freq used.....at least that's the standard technique for our terrestrial systems. I could go on and on, but my head is already bloodied by beating against a brick wall, Maybe, just maybe someone on the list could set something rolling to to stop this sort of rort of amateur freqs happening again. Up to the list,Its our valuable spectrum "they" are carefully and cunningly hijacking.
That was the reason for my original post, to try and point out the erosion of our freq's by folk who are far from friendly to ham radio.
participants (3)
Trevor .