Re: [amsat-bb] Upcoming SpaceX CRS-20 Launch

The addition of the ARISS IORS payload entry and it’s prominence in Wikipedia’s CRS-20 page was my editing work, that I just finished last week. I serve as a “WikiGnome”.
A WikiGnome is a wiki user who makes useful incremental edits without clamouring for attention. WikiGnomes work behind the scenes of a wiki, tying up little loose ends and making things run more smoothly. — greg, w9gb AMSAT-NA, AMSAT-UK == Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2020 06:13:44 -0500 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Upcoming SpaceX CRS-20 Launch
All, The spouse of ARISS Hardware team member Ed Krome, K9EK, pointed out that the ARISS next generation radio system (InterOperable Radio System--IORS) is prominently described as a primary payload (note: not secondary) on the SpaceX CRS-20 mission which will be launched no earlier than March 6 (ET). See the Wikipedia URL:
The ARISS Team wants to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you that have contributed to helping us realize this major milestone.
It should be noted that the ARISS hardware team is still very busy on IORS development and final certification. While certified for launch and stowage on ISS, are still in deep into the final certification of the IORS forflight operations. Also, our build of the second flight unit is in progress in Florida and San Diego. So while CRS-20 represents the launch of SN 1001-our first flight unit--it also represents the beginning of the "ARISS factory build" and certification of all 10 units.
ARISS-helping AMSAT and all our partners keep Amateur Radio in Space! Note: November 13, 2020 will represent the 20th year of ARISS continuous amateur radio operation on ISS!!
73, Frank KA3HDO
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