TAPR/AMSAT Joint Hamvention Banquet Join us at the Dayton Hamvention this year for the TAPR/AMSAT Banquet on Friday evening, 15 May. Doors open at 1830 for a cash bar, with buffet dinner served at 1900.
This year's after dinner address will be: "Adventures of a Hacker Turned Ham" By Michael Ossmann, AD0NR
Michael Ossmann, AD0NR, grew up as a computer nerd embracing the hacker ethos. Eventually Michael became very interested in the security of wireless systems such as remote keyless entry, garage door openers, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. He designed Ubertooth One, a Bluetooth sniffer that was successfully funded on Kickstarter. Not one to rest, Michael later designed and successfully funded HackRF One, an open source SDR platform that attracted the attention of the amateur radio community. Michael will talk about his unique perspective on the community as an outsider looking in, why he resisted getting a license for years, and why he finally decided to join. Michael will also share his thoughts on what it means to be a hacker, what it means to be a ham, and what amateur radio may look like in the decades to come.
The dinner will be held at: Jefferson Room The Kohler Presidential Banquet Center 4548 Presidential Way Kettering, OH 45429
Reservations must be made in advance here. Tickets will not be sold at Dayton. Tickets purchased online may be picked up at the AMSAT booth (433-435, 444-446).
Orders must be placed by 1800 EDT, Tuesday, May 12th. No exceptions.
$35 per person
participants (1)
Mark Thompson