Missing NASA.all File on AMSAT-NA website.

There appears to be an AMSAT.NA website issue involving the AMSAT bulletin TLE format. Joe Fitzgerald, KM1P is currently working to resolve that issue.
In the meantime, here is the missing NASA.all TLE data file for 9-30-2021.
Raymond F Hoad
BSF Fort Worth EM-314 ACS

All fixed now.
If you need to generate your own nasa.all file use the following Python script. Tip for young players: when playing with it be sure you are not logged into a production server used by thousands of hams around the world.
de KM1P Joe
# Check through the most recent emails on the Keps mailing list # and print the contents of the most recent bulletin. Typically # used to produce nasa.all file.
import requests import datetime from dateutil import parser
r = requests.get('https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/api/list/[email protected]/emails/')
e = r.json()
now = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)
emails = [] for a in e: d = parser.isoparse(a["date"]) if ((now - d) < datetime.timedelta(weeks=3)): r = requests.get(a['url']) emails.append (r.json())
emails =(sorted(emails, key=lambda email: email['date'], reverse=True))
for email in emails: if '2l.amsat' in email['subject']: print (email['content']) break;
________________________________________ From: [email protected] [email protected] Sent: Saturday, October 2, 2021 11:51 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [AMSAT-BB] Missing NASA.all File on AMSAT-NA website.
There appears to be an AMSAT.NA website issue involving the AMSAT bulletin TLE format. Joe Fitzgerald, KM1P is currently working to resolve that issue.
In the meantime, here is the missing NASA.all TLE data file for 9-30-2021.
Raymond F Hoad BSF Fort Worth EM-314 ACS 817-771-7827
participants (2)
Joseph B. Fitzgerald