I have for sale a Yaesu FT100D HF/6m/2m/70cm all mode mobile sized radio. It puts out 100 watts on HF and 6 meters, 50 watts on 2 meters, and 20 watts on 70cm. Being the D model, it has the 500hz CW filter and TCXO installed, as well as DSP which does noise reduction, band pass filtering, a notch filter, and microphone equalization. Putting out full power on all bands and has great receive as well, and a noise blanker that is one of the best ones made.
This would make a good 2m or 70cm radio for half of a full duplex satellite setup, and also give you 10 meter receive for when AO7 goes into mode A. You can also get on HF and 6 meters between satellite passes.
It is in very good physical condition as well, and comes with a microphone, power cord, and original box. It is a 2M serial number range, so it is one of the later ones made. Everything seems to work fine on it-sometime you have to press the mode key a little hard to change modes, but it does work.
Asking $415 shipped, and I can take paypal/check/MO.
73 John AF5CC
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