Getting ready for a AO-7A pass, started keying the transmitter, I noticed the computer monitor was blinking very nicely in time with the cw, also the az and el indicators on the G5500 control unit were dancing around in tune with the cw. In fact they danced in tune even with the power off. Tipped over satellite tower, got out ohm meter, direct open through the 2M Icom AG-25 preamp. Jumped around the now removed preamp and we're back in business. Question...The relay contacts seem to be suspect. Should I get parts and repair the AG-25 or get a better preamp, as I am going to scratch some EME efforts off my bucket list. If you have a better 2M preamp "laying " around let me know. as always 73 Bob W7LRD

I'd say since the relays are plentiful and relatively cheap ($36 OBO, seller henryradio (no connection)) on eBay, it'd make sense to repair it. If a good deal on a better preamp comes along, you could always sell it...
George, KA3HSW
----- Original Message ----
From: Bob- W7LRD [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Wed, January 9, 2013 4:05:35 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] here's a good one!
Getting ready for a AO-7A pass, started keying the transmitter, I noticed the computer monitor was blinking very nicely in time with the cw, also the az and el indicators on the G5500 control unit were dancing around in tune with the cw. In fact they danced in tune even with the power off. Tipped over satellite tower, got out ohm meter, direct open through the 2M Icom AG-25 preamp. Jumped around the now removed preamp and we're back in business. Question...The relay contacts seem to be suspect. Should I get parts and repair the AG-25 or get a better preamp, as I am going to scratch some EME efforts off my bucket list. If you have a better 2M preamp "laying " around let me know.
as always 73 Bob W7LRD
participants (2)
Bob- W7LRD
George Henry