WD9EWK @ NPOTA MN52, tomorrow (6 August) afternoon

I will make a quick trip to Montezuma Castle National Monument, site MN52 for the ARRL's National Parks on the Air activity, tomorrow afternoon (Saturday, 6 August) for a few passes. Montezuma Castle National Monument is along I-17 near Camp Verde, Arizona - between Phoenix and Flagstaff in grid DM44. For this activation, I am focusing on the SO-50 pass at 2132 UTC, followed by an ISS pass at 2207 UTC. If AO-7 remains in mode B during the afternoon, I might try the AO-7 pass at 2112 UTC before SO-50 comes by. Depending on weather and how well I do on these passes, I might stick around for later passes on these satellites, until the monument's closing time at 5pm (0000 UTC).
During the mid- to late-afternoon, I should be able to tweet photos and other updates on my activity from Montezuma Castle. My @WD9EWK Twitter feed is public, and - if you don't do Twitter - visible at:
I will upload my log to Logbook of the World after I return home. I am hoping to work at least 10 different stations, to make this an official activation under the ARRL's NPOTA rules.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK
participants (1)