Sorry for being kind of late to the party for this subject.
John, I don't know if you are building or buying but in the case of the former my XYL and I are designing a house right now for an area which doesn't strictly prohibit antennas like I have now, but would likely not allow it. Working with the architect we have the plan for the attic space to be able to contain my current KLM 40el. (20x20) 70cm and Cushcraft 20el (10x10) 2m antennas as well as my 23cm VE3NPC type helix and 13cm K5GNA BBQ dish. It makes for a high roof, but many homes in Texas these days have steep roofs so the design actually looks normal from the outside. The basic idea is a 9 1/2 foot radius hemisphere that's 5 1/2 feet above the floor of the attic (5 1/2 feet being the height of the boom above the floor). It took some explaining to the architect how an az/el antenna setup works and looks, but he got the right idea. I can send you a .pdf of the roof/attic drawing if you are interested. The house is about 4500 sq. ft. area under roof in order to accomodate my antennas (although the size is a result of what we wanted for the floor plan, not the result of what was needed for the antennas).
And, it was good to see Eric's link to DH5MK. It gave me a lot of relief to finally see an installation similar to what I am planning! I wasn't sure how satellite through a roof would work over the various bands, but it seems to me that any loss can easily be overcome by preamps and amplifiers in a space where you can hook up whatever you need without the worry of weather.
73, Jerry N0JY

I'm curious how you will get all of the antenna gear into the attic. Will you have to build the house around the antennas the same way they do with built in showers? Or will a large attic entry door accommodate the thing/s. And, after you get the design drawings done, do you have to run them by a developer or HOA?
Larry W7IN
participants (2)
Larry Gerhardstein