Hi Mike...
It always puzzled me why in your original list of commands you suggested the following 2 commands one after the other:
****14#200# heater off to -55 degr THIS IS THE VERY IMPORTANT COMMAND ****13#200# heater on to -55 degr
It would seem to me that command 1 turned the heater OFF and then command 2 just turned it back ON AGAIN! ....
Maybe you were just using "shorthand" and something else happens when you issue these commands one after the other?
Roger WA1KAT
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Rupprecht" [email protected] To: "'Mike Rupprecht'" [email protected]; "'amsat'" [email protected] Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:00 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: COMPASS-1 beacon heard
Hi all,
A replay of the previous pass! All commands sent and acknowledged at 0939 UTC.
Beacon received at 0943 UTC: 00 compass ff0740150600002100009000ff
Solar Cell Voltage 5.00 V Solar Panel 6 Cur 43.92 mA Solar Panel 2 Cur 0.00 mA Solar Panel 3 Cur 37.65 mA Solar Panel 4 Cur 131.76 mA Solar Panel 5 Cur 401.57 mA EPS Reset Counter 0 Power Level Critical Battery Capacity Heater Active Battery Heater ON Power Safe Counter 0 Emergency Mode Counter 0 Battery Voltage 2.82 V Battery Current 0.00 mA Battery Temperature -1 °C
Heater still on - I think there is no internal communication between the units (I2C bus down). Mhh, I haven't got a clue.
73, Mike DK3WN
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Mike Rupprecht Gesendet: Freitag, 22. August 2008 10:20 An: 'amsat' Betreff: [amsat-bb] COMPASS-1 beacon heard
Hi all,
I have one day off and tried to command COMPASS in full sunlight.
The first pass (for Europe) this morning was low, only 6°. All commands were accepted and confirmed several time by COMPASS.
At 0801UTC the beacon came with 00 compass ff0660000000002100009800ff
It shows, that the heater was still on - in spite of confirmed commands. I will try the next pass (nearly 90°).
73, Mike DK3WN
_______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
_______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb

Hi Mike,
Commands sent and acknowledged at 2120 UT. No beacon heard during the entire 13 minute pass.
Alan ZL2BX

Hi Everyone,
Can anyone help me with a question regarding SATPC32?
What I am trying to do is find out for any given satellite, its AZ as its comes over the horizon and again when it disappears below the horizon _*BEFORE*_ it actually arrives!
I hope that makes some sense, What I want to know is where in the sky it will be at AOS and where it will be at LOS - unlike Nova, I cant seem to run the projection forward or get a print out of future passes.
I have looked in the help files and found nothing (or "missed it" more likely!)
So any pointers would be really welcome. Thanks in advance

The easiest way is to run the WinListen program, which is one of the auxiliary programs which is installed. Start it up, pick the source of Keps and the satellite, time span and time step of interest, and then tick Rising and Setting. You will note that the beginning and ending elevation usually is not exactly zero if you take the default step. Pick something smaller, 10 seconds or so, and it will be very close. There is an WinAOS program which gives related data in a slightly different format. Hopes this helps.

Many thanks Alan and Pete, sorry for the late reply but SW Florida just had an electrical and rain storm that was way worse than anything Fay threw at us Tuesday and knocked the internet out!
I am looking at WinAOS, that is what I was looking for so thanks for that!
I am just comparing the listing given to the Countdown list on the main screen and there are some differences and can you also tell me what the significance is of the blue blocked entries on the list?
David KG4ZLB
Alan P. Biddle wrote:
The easiest way is to run the WinListen program, which is one of the auxiliary programs which is installed. Start it up, pick the source of Keps and the satellite, time span and time step of interest, and then tick Rising and Setting. You will note that the beginning and ending elevation usually is not exactly zero if you take the default step. Pick something smaller, 10 seconds or so, and it will be very close. There is an WinAOS program which gives related data in a slightly different format. Hopes this helps.

Hi David, WinAOS shows the AOS and LOS times of multiple satellites in chronological order for the selected period (by default 1 day). When you click on a line all passes of THAT satellite will be highlighted. So you have better overview for a particular satellite.
The program checks the passes in steps of 1 minute and displays the times in full minutes. So, the maximum inaccuracy is within 1 minute (see the WinAOS "Help" text). That is sufficient for an overview, I think.
You should use the same Keps file with WinAOS that you use with SatPC32, i.e. nasa.all.
73s, Erich, DK1TB
----- Original Message ----- From: "David - KG4ZLB/MØZLB" [email protected] To: [email protected]; "Peter" [email protected] Cc: "'amsat'" [email protected] Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 1:50 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: SatPC32
Many thanks Alan and Pete, sorry for the late reply but SW Florida just had an electrical and rain storm that was way worse than anything Fay threw at us Tuesday and knocked the internet out!
I am looking at WinAOS, that is what I was looking for so thanks for that!
I am just comparing the listing given to the Countdown list on the main screen and there are some differences and can you also tell me what the significance is of the blue blocked entries on the list?
David KG4ZLB
Alan P. Biddle wrote:
The easiest way is to run the WinListen program, which is one of the auxiliary programs which is installed. Start it up, pick the source of Keps and the satellite, time span and time step of interest, and then tick Rising and Setting. You will note that the beginning and ending elevation usually is not exactly zero if you take the default step. Pick something smaller, 10 seconds or so, and it will be very close. There is an WinAOS program which gives related data in a slightly different format. Hopes this helps.

Hi Mike,
Sent numerous battery off commands on the 2256 UT Compass pass (9deg el) but no response. The first time it has ignored me on a sunlit pass Hi.
Alan ZL2BX
_______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
participants (5)
Alan Cresswell
Alan P. Biddle
Erich Eichmann
Roger Kolakowski