We received FO-29 CW Telemetry at 14:22:00UTC ON, and 14:25:46UTC OFF on 23 Dec 2011.
Received by JE1CVL HI HI 20 02 88 D1 00 71 00 00 09 60 01 01 01 82 85 82 8D 7B FB FB FB FA FC HI HI 20 02 88 D1 00 71 00 00 09 60 01 01 01 80 84 80 8B 8E FB FB FB FA FD HI HI 20 02 88 D1 00 71 00 00 09 60 01 01 01 80 84 7E 89 8D FB FC FB FA FC
FO-29 Recovery Plan
Ground Station says that Possibility of the recovery of the command device of FO-29 is made. It is a temporary system constitution, but seems to be able to reopen the use of the satellite. We perform the function confirmation of the command device on 23 Dec 2011 and draw up the year-end and new-year operative plan if there is not a problem. And we recover the system of the command device.
23 Dec 14:20-14:25 UTC, Command Test, JTA ON/OFF 24 Dec 05:00 UTC, Test Operation over JA (Until it stop in UVC action) 25 Dec 14:16 UTC, Test Operation over JA (Until it stop in UVC action)
JE9PEL, Mineo Wakita
participants (1)
Mineo Wakita