Thanks Doug, for sticking with my puny signal through two passes to make the QSO on AO-7 tonight. I was using a FT-817, Arrow antenna, and SATPC32, while portable on the bank of the Resurrection River just down from Exit Glacier in BP50, Seward, AK. I've been on a few AO-51, AO-27, and SO-50 passes from up here and made a handful of QSOs despite the mountains and trees, but this AO-7 QSO was tops.
73, Drew KO4MA

It was my pleasure & thanks for giving it a try. You signals were weak, but 100% copy on the 2nd pass. I'm glad we were able to make it happen! This was my first contact with Alaska via AO-7 (all others have been via AO-51) and a new grid for me.
Hope to work you and/or other Alaskan stations (W1AW/KL7) via satellite over the next few days/week during the Alaska Hamfest/ARRL Alaska Convention.
At 12:36 AM 7/31/2008, Andrew Glasbrenner wrote:
Thanks Doug, for sticking with my puny signal through two passes to make the QSO on AO-7 tonight. I was using a FT-817, Arrow antenna, and SATPC32, while portable on the bank of the Resurrection River just down from Exit Glacier in BP50, Seward, AK. I've been on a few AO-51, AO-27, and SO-50 passes from up here and made a handful of QSOs despite the mountains and trees, but this AO-7 QSO was tops.
73, Drew KO4MA
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participants (2)
Andrew Glasbrenner
Douglas C. Papay