I had AO-91 all to myself at midday from BK68. We were still in that grid for CAS-4A/B around 30/0130Z, so I was able to put that one into a few logs. Then we crossed into BK58, and I was on from there on CAS-4A/B and a pair of RS-44/CW passes.
Tomorrow I'll give AO-91 another go at 30/2211Z, this time from BK38, but again the pass will hit only KH6 and a lot of water. CAS-4A/B around 01/0300Z, AO-7/CW at 01/0340Z (favoring JA), RS-44/CW at 01/0401Z (looking at XE and the US/VE Left Coast a few minutes later), CAS-4A/B about 01/0430Z, and another RS-44/CW pass at 01/0553Z are on sked.
After nearly two weeks off line, we've finally gotten back our internet access and have started receiving e-mail again, so I'll resume posting to Twitter.
We've got another time change tonight; this will be #6 of 10 on our voyage. We'll be at GMT-10 for a couple days. Time changes are unavoidable on trips like these, but they sure get in the way of making pass skeds! 73/Jim, ND9M
participants (1)
Clary, James T (Jim)